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    작성일 : 12-09-28 12:24
     Birdwatching in the UK 1
      글쓴이 : ILOVENZ
조회 : 5,882  

In June I went to England for my father's funeral. I did a bit of birdwatching when I was there - walking the old tracks I regularly walked 13 years ago near my old home, also around a reservoir system near Chesterfield, an ancient oak wood called Padley Gorge I used to visit frequently, and an ex industrial area near my mum's house that has now mostly reverted to nature. This write-up covers the first two. The other 2 are to follow.

Old barn near where I used to live

Ancient woodland Linacre Valley. The white flowers are Ramsons (wild garlic)

One of the Linacre Reservoirs

The farmland near my home hadn't changed much, except my old patch where I learnt many of my birding skills, an area of rough farmland that had reverted to scrub, had had most of the scrub ripped out and so was relatively birdless. No doubt the landowner/farmer had a bit of cash, so now it's good-for-almost-nothing rough pasture again. A Buzzard (malttongari) flew over - these were unbelievably rare 13 years ago, but have moved into the area since.

The Linacre Reservoirs near Chesterfield used to supply that town with its drinking water, but now are only for recreation, with walks in the ancient woodlands and plantations round them. It's hard to believe that 300 years ago there was an industry of mining the woods here for iron ore, but the woods are pock-marked with 'bell pits'. Birds here included a Mandarin Duck (wonang) - a recent introduction to the UK, Great Spotted Woodpecker (osaekttaktaguri), Nuthatch (donggobi) and Treecreeper (namubalbari). A nest of Grey Heron (waegari) was right above a path, and one Great Crested Grebe (ppulonbyeong-ari) was present

Nick Allen

번호 제   목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
18 Birds of the Milford Track ILOVENZ 02-08 4232
17 Where to watch birds in Canterbury - Nick Allen ILOVENZ 11-28 7711
16 A Fortnight in the North Island 5 - Whanganui to Wellington ILOVENZ 09-28 17436
15 A Fortnight in the North Island 4 - The Waikato and Taranaki ILOVENZ 09-28 12410
14 A Fortnight in the North Island 3 - Eastland and Bay of Plen… ILOVENZ 09-28 27799
13 A fortnight in the North Island 2 Hawke's Bay ILOVENZ 09-28 12563
12 A fortnight in the North Island 1 Wairarapa ILOVENZ 09-28 30487
11 Ashburton Lakes Bird Census 2010 ILOVENZ 09-28 12726
10 Birding in South Korea in mid-late June ILOVENZ 09-28 22586
9 A visit to Barrow Hill Roundhouse and the Chesterfield Canal ILOVENZ 09-28 6923
8 Birdwatching in the UK 2 ILOVENZ 09-28 12725
7 Birdwatching in the UK 1 ILOVENZ 09-28 5883
6 Orange-fronted Parakeet search in the Hawdon Valley ILOVENZ 09-28 6598
5 Wader watching and botanising at Greenpark Sands ILOVENZ 09-27 5569
4 Birdwatching on holiday in the south of the South Island ILOVENZ 09-27 7667
 1  2   total 18


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